Gobernanza CenterPoint Energy, Inc.




Utilidades multilínea

Mercado cerrado - Nyse 22:00:02 12/02/2025 Varia. Cinco días. Varia. 1 de enero.
32,58 USD +0,52 % Gráfico intradía de CenterPoint Energy, Inc. +0,96 % +2,68 %

Comité Ejecutivo: CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

Funciones ocupadasDesde
Jason Wells

Jason Wells

46 años

Chief Executive Officer 05/01/2024
President 01/01/2023
Christopher Foster

Christopher Foster

46 años

Director of Finance/CFO 05/05/2023
Kenny Coleman

Kenny Coleman

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 03/01/2023
Kristie Colvin

Kristie Colvin

61 años

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 05/10/2023
Jackie Richert

Jackie Richert

Investor Relations Contact -
Treasurer -
Monica Karuturi

Monica Karuturi

46 años

General Counsel 23/07/2020
Vincent A. Mercaldi

Vincent A. Mercaldi

Corporate Secretary -
Jason Ryan

Jason Ryan

49 años

General Counsel 01/03/2017

Composición del Consejo de Administración: CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

Earl Cummings

Earl Cummings

60 años

Governance Committee Chair 21/08/2023
Compensation Committee 18/05/2022
Dean Seavers

Dean Seavers

64 años

Compensation Committee 05/09/2024
HR Committee 08/05/2018
Audit Committee 05/09/2024
Governance Committee Chair 05/09/2024
Nominating Committee Chair 05/09/2024
Governance Committee 31/12/2024
Barbara Duganier

Barbara Duganier

67 años

Audit Committee Chair 26/04/2024
Audit Committee 12/05/2023
Compensation Committee Chair 11/01/2021
Governance Committee 26/04/2024
Christopher Franklin

Christopher Franklin

59 años

Executive Committee Chair 01/01/2018
Audit Committee 22/04/2022
Governance Committee 22/04/2022
Thaddeus Malik

Thaddeus Malik

58 años

Audit Committee 13/12/2023
Compensation Committee 13/12/2023
Governance Committee 13/12/2023
Theodore Pound

Theodore Pound

70 años

Audit Committee 01/04/2015
Compensation Committee Chair 01/04/2015
Wendy Cloonan

Wendy Cloonan

45 años

Compensation Committee 19/02/2021
Governance Committee
Raquelle Lewis

Raquelle Lewis

54 años

Compensation Committee 29/09/2021
Governance Committee
Ricky Raven

Ricky Raven

64 años

Compensation Committee 13/12/2023
Governance Committee 13/12/2023
Phillip Smith

Phillip Smith

73 años

Governance Committee 01/03/2014
Audit Committee Chair 01/03/2014
Jason Wells

Jason Wells

46 años

Director/Board Member 05/01/2024

Antiguos Directivos y Administradores: CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

Funciones ocupadas
Milton Carroll
Milton Carroll
Director/Board Member 01/01/1992 30/09/2021
Chairman 01/09/2002 21/07/2021
Susan O. Rheney
Susan O. Rheney
Director/Board Member 01/07/2008 23/04/2021
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/07/2008 23/04/2021
Scott McLean
Scott McLean
Director/Board Member 12/12/2013 23/04/2021
Independent Dir/Board Member 12/12/2013 23/04/2021
Robert McRae
Robert McRae
Public Communications Contact 01/01/2011 23/07/2020
Treasurer 23/07/2020 11/01/2021
Carla A. Kneipp
Carla A. Kneipp
Investor Relations Contact 01/05/2012 23/07/2020
Treasurer 16/05/2014 23/07/2020
Susan B. Ortenstone
Susan B. Ortenstone
Human Resources Officer 17/02/2014 01/07/2020
Gary W. Hayes
Gary W. Hayes
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/12/2010 01/06/2020
Peter S. Wareing
Peter S. Wareing
Director/Board Member 01/01/2005 24/04/2020
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/2005 24/04/2020
Scott Prochazka
Scott Prochazka
Director/Board Member 01/01/2014 19/02/2020
Chief Executive Officer 01/01/2014 19/02/2020
Chief Operating Officer 01/07/2012 01/12/2013
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/10/2001 01/12/2013
President 01/01/2014 19/02/2020
Tracy B. Bridge
Tracy B. Bridge
Corporate Officer/Principal 09/08/2011 14/02/2020
Gregory Knight
Gregory Knight
Corporate Officer/Principal 03/03/2010 01/08/2019
Sales & Marketing 30/10/2014 01/08/2019
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/08/2020 03/01/2023
Dana O'Brien
Dana O'Brien
General Counsel 12/05/2014 02/04/2019
Corporate Secretary 12/05/2014 01/10/2017
Michael P. Johnson
Michael P. Johnson
Director/Board Member 01/07/2008 26/04/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 26/04/2018
Janiece M. Longoria
Janiece M. Longoria
Director/Board Member 01/01/2005 26/04/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 26/04/2018
Joseph B. McGoldrick
Joseph B. McGoldrick
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1979 01/03/2017
Al Walker
Al Walker
Director/Board Member 06/05/2010 23/04/2015
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 23/04/2015
Gary Whitlock
Gary Whitlock
Director of Finance/CFO 01/09/2002 01/04/2015
Walter L. Fitzgerald
Walter L. Fitzgerald
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/2001 31/08/2014
Thomas R. Standish
Thomas R. Standish
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1984 31/08/2014
Marc Kilbride
Marc Kilbride
Treasurer 09/08/2011 16/05/2014
Mark C. Schroeder
Mark C. Schroeder
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/08/2011 01/02/2014
Scott E. Rozzell
Scott E. Rozzell
General Counsel 01/01/2001 01/01/2014
Corporate Secretary 01/01/2001 01/01/2014
David McClanahan
David McClanahan
Director/Board Member 01/10/2002 31/12/2013
Chief Executive Officer 01/10/2002 31/12/2013
Chief Operating Officer 01/01/1999 01/10/2002
President 01/01/1999 31/12/2013
C. Gregory Harper
C. Gregory Harper
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/12/2008 30/06/2013
Sherman M. Wolff
Sherman M. Wolff
Director/Board Member 25/10/2007 25/04/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 25/04/2013
Donald R. Campbell
Donald R. Campbell
Director/Board Member 01/06/2005 25/04/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 25/04/2013
O. Holcombe Crosswell
O. Holcombe Crosswell
Director/Board Member 01/01/1997 25/04/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/08/2011 25/04/2013
Rufus S. Scott
Rufus S. Scott
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Thomas F. Madison
Thomas F. Madison
Director/Board Member 01/01/2003 21/04/2011
Derrill Cody
Derrill Cody
Director/Board Member 01/01/2003 21/04/2011
Robert T. O'Connell
Robert T. O'Connell
Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 21/04/2011
Michael E. Shannon
Michael E. Shannon
Director/Board Member 01/01/2003 26/04/2010
Richard A. Zapalac
Richard A. Zapalac
Corporate Officer/Principal 12/04/2010 -
L. Patrick Giroir
L. Patrick Giroir
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/10/2003 01/05/2008
Byron Kelley
Byron Kelley
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2004 01/03/2008
Leah Kasparek
Leah Kasparek
Human Resources Officer 01/01/2004 01/01/2008
James S. Brian
James S. Brian
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/1983 30/11/2007
John T. Cater
John T. Cater
Director/Board Member 01/01/1983 24/05/2007
W. Todd Brown
W. Todd Brown
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2007 01/01/2007
Teresa L. Naylor
Teresa L. Naylor
Human Resources Officer 01/01/2006 01/01/2006
Preston Johnson
Preston Johnson
Director/Board Member 01/10/2005 01/10/2005
Human Resources Officer 01/10/2005 01/10/2005
Stephen C. Schaeffer
Stephen C. Schaeffer
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/09/2002 01/12/2004
Leo Isaak
Leo Isaak
Corporate Officer/Principal 30/11/2002 30/11/2002
Graham B. Painter
Graham B. Painter
Public Communications Contact 01/01/1996 01/09/2002
Hugh Rice Kelly
Hugh Rice Kelly
General Counsel 01/01/1984 -
Corporate Secretary 01/01/1984 -
Gary M. Cerny
Gary M. Cerny
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1980 -
Johnny Blau
Johnny Blau
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1972 -
C. Dean Woods
C. Dean Woods
Human Resources Officer 09/08/2011 -
Constantine Liollio
Constantine Liollio
President - -
Alicia Dixon
Alicia Dixon
Public Communications Contact 10/08/2011 -
David G. Tees
David G. Tees
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kelly C. Gauger
Kelly C. Gauger
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Paul Williams
Paul Williams
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Carol R. Helliker
Carol R. Helliker
Compliance Officer 09/08/2011 -
Scott Doyle
Scott Doyle
General Counsel - -
Corporate Officer/Principal - 10/10/2014
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/03/2017 03/01/2023
Charlie J. Flynn
Charlie J. Flynn
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mary P. Palkovich
Mary P. Palkovich
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard J. Noriega
Richard J. Noriega
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jeff W. Bonham
Jeff W. Bonham
General Counsel 09/08/2011 -
Abby Bailey
Abby Bailey
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Melissa Ruiz
Melissa Ruiz
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Clarence H. Albright
Clarence H. Albright
General Counsel 09/08/2011 -
Kevin Holder
Kevin Holder
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
James M. Dumler
James M. Dumler
Corporate Officer/Principal 09/11/2009 -
Kimberly A. Johnston
Kimberly A. Johnston
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Kent Saathoff
Kent Saathoff
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kenneth Mercado
Kenneth Mercado
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Luka Erceg
Luka Erceg
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher J. Arntzen
Christopher J. Arntzen
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Leticia C. Lowe
Leticia C. Lowe
Public Communications Contact - -
Marianne Paulsen
Marianne Paulsen
Investor Relations Contact 09/08/2011 -
Public Communications Contact - -
Michael P. Holstein
Michael P. Holstein
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John Staley
John Staley
Director/Board Member - -
Andy Weathers
Andy Weathers
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Distribución por Edad de los Ejecutivos

Paridad de género

Hombre 17
Mujer 8

De los cuales Comité Ejecutivo

Hombre 5
Mujer 3

De los cuales Directores

Hombre 8
Mujer 3


Revisión de la facturación 1 año
Revisión de la facturación 4 meses
Revisión Facturación 1 mes
Revisión BPA 1 año
Revisión BPA 4 meses


Medio ambiente
ESG: Controversias éticas
ESG: Controversias sobre derechos humanos
ESG: Controversias sobre subvenciones fiscales
En consonancia con las finanzas islámicas
Logo CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. está especializada en la distribución de gas natural y electricidad. Las ventas netas se desglosan por actividad de la siguiente manera - venta de electricidad (49,3%) - distribución final de gas natural (49,2); - otros (1,5%).
Más información sobre la empresa

Salida de Personas Clave

David McClanahan
David McClanahan

Chief Executive Officer

01/10/2002 31/12/2013

Scott Prochazka
Scott Prochazka

Chief Executive Officer

01/01/2014 19/02/2020

John Somerhalder
John Somerhalder

Chief Executive Officer

19/02/2020 01/07/2020

Milton Carroll
Milton Carroll


01/09/2002 21/07/2021

David Lesar
David Lesar

Chief Executive Officer

01/07/2020 05/01/2024

Marty Nesbitt
Marty Nesbitt


22/07/2021 21/08/2023