Gobernanza EOG Resources, Inc.




Exploración y producción de petróleo y gas

Mercado cerrado - Nyse 22:00:02 16/01/2025 Varia. Cinco días. Varia. 1 de enero.
138,05 USD +0,72 % Gráfico intradía de EOG Resources, Inc. +7,47 % +12,62 %

Comité Ejecutivo: EOG Resources, Inc.

Funciones ocupadasDesde
Ezra Yacob

Ezra Yacob

48 años

Chief Executive Officer 01/10/2021
Jamie L. Hanafy

Jamie L. Hanafy

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
David Streit

David Streit

Treasurer 01/08/2023
Philip W. Leimer

Philip W. Leimer

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
Pamela R. Roth

Pamela R. Roth

General Counsel 01/10/2016
Neel Panchal

Neel Panchal

Investor Relations Contact 01/02/2018
Jeffrey Leitzell

Jeffrey Leitzell

46 años

Chief Operating Officer 18/12/2023
D Woodard

D Woodard

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
Michele Hatz

Michele Hatz

Human Resources Officer -
Laura Distefano

Laura Distefano

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/2024
Sandeep Bhakhri

Sandeep Bhakhri

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/01/1995
Ann Janssen

Ann Janssen

Director of Finance/CFO 01/01/2024
Kevin S. Hanzel

Kevin S. Hanzel

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
Gary Peng

Gary Peng

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/2005
Michael Donaldson

Michael Donaldson

62 años

General Counsel 03/05/2012
Corporate Secretary 01/01/2008
D. Terveen

D. Terveen

Sales & Marketing 01/01/2014

Composición del Consejo de Administración: EOG Resources, Inc.

Ezra Yacob

Ezra Yacob

48 años

Chairman 04/10/2022
Julie Robertson

Julie Robertson

69 años

Audit Committee 29/01/2024
Governance Committee 01/01/2019
Nominating Committee 01/01/2019
Compensation Committee Chair 29/01/2024
HR Committee Chair 01/01/2019
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair 01/01/2022
Lynn Dugle

Lynn Dugle

66 años

Compensation Committee 01/03/2023
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Governance Committee 01/03/2023
Audit Committee 30/09/2024
HR Committee 01/03/2023
Nominating Committee 01/03/2023
Charles Crisp

Charles Crisp

77 años

Audit Committee 01/03/2016
Compensation Committee 01/03/2016
HR Committee
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Governance Committee Chair 01/03/2016
Nominating Committee Chair 01/03/2016
Janet Clark

Janet Clark

70 años

Audit Committee Chair
Audit Committee 01/01/2014
Compensation Committee 01/01/2014
HR Committee
Governance Committee Chair 01/01/2014
Nominating Committee Chair 01/01/2014
Christopher Gaut

Christopher Gaut

68 años

Audit Committee
Compensation Committee 01/10/2017
HR Committee 01/10/2017
Governance Committee 01/10/2017
Nominating Committee 01/10/2017
Robert Daniels

Robert Daniels

66 años

Governance Committee 01/03/2017
Nominating Committee 01/03/2017
Audit Committee 01/03/2017
Compensation Committee 01/03/2017
HR Committee 01/03/2017
Donald Textor

Donald Textor

78 años

Audit Committee 23/04/2015
Compensation Committee 01/01/2001
HR Committee
Governance Committee 01/01/2001
Nominating Committee 01/01/2001
Mike Kerr

Mike Kerr

65 años

Audit Committee 03/05/2021
Compensation Committee 05/10/2020
HR Committee 05/10/2020
Governance Committee 01/08/2022
Nominating Committee 01/08/2022

Antiguos Directivos y Administradores: EOG Resources, Inc.

Funciones ocupadas
Lloyd Helms
Lloyd Helms
Chief Operating Officer 13/12/2017 18/12/2023
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/09/2006 13/12/2017
President 01/10/2021 31/05/2024
Timothy Driggers
Timothy Driggers
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/10/1999 20/04/2009
Director of Finance/CFO 01/04/2016 01/01/2024
Joseph C. Landry
Joseph C. Landry
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - 01/12/2023
James Day
James Day
Director/Board Member 29/07/2008 24/05/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 14/07/2011 24/05/2023
William Thomas
William Thomas
Chief Executive Officer 01/07/2013 01/10/2021
Chairman 01/12/2013 04/10/2022
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/02/2011 01/09/2011
President 01/09/2011 01/12/2013
Frank G. Wisner
Frank G. Wisner
Director/Board Member 01/01/1997 29/04/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 14/07/2011 29/04/2019
Gary Thomas
Gary Thomas
Chief Operating Officer 01/09/2011 13/12/2017
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1978 02/09/2011
President 01/09/2011 31/12/2018
Robert K. Garrison
Robert K. Garrison
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/1995 01/10/2017
H. Leighton Steward
H. Leighton Steward
Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 27/04/2017
Independent Dir/Board Member 14/07/2011 27/04/2017
Frederick J. Plaeger
Frederick J. Plaeger
General Counsel 23/04/2007 01/02/2017
Tony C. Maranto
Tony C. Maranto
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01/07/2016
Ernest J. LaFlure
Ernest J. LaFlure
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01/12/2015
J. Pat Woods
J. Pat Woods
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01/01/2015
Mark Papa
Mark Papa
Director/Board Member 31/12/2013 15/12/2014
Chief Executive Officer 01/01/1999 01/07/2013
Chairman 01/01/1999 31/12/2013
Maire Baldwin
Maire Baldwin
Investor Relations Contact 14/07/2011 01/01/2014
George A. Alcorn
George A. Alcorn
Director/Board Member 01/01/2000 02/03/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 14/07/2011 02/03/2013
Loren M. Leiker
Loren M. Leiker
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/1989 01/09/2011
Varun Mishra
Varun Mishra
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/11/2008 01/11/2008
Flavious J. Smith
Flavious J. Smith
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2008 01/01/2008
Barry Hunsaker
Barry Hunsaker
General Counsel 01/05/1996 30/04/2007
Edmund Segner
Edmund Segner
Director/Board Member 01/01/1999 01/01/2007
Director of Finance/CFO 01/03/2003 01/01/2007
Human Resources Officer 01/01/1999 01/01/2007
President 01/01/1999 01/01/2007
Michael D. van Horn
Michael D. van Horn
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1993 01/11/2006
Michael McCown
Michael McCown
Chief Operating Officer 01/01/2006 01/01/2006
William Albrecht
William Albrecht
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1998 01/01/2006
Gene H. Davis
Gene H. Davis
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/07/2004 01/12/2004
Charles Wampler
Charles Wampler
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1984 01/01/2004
William D. Stevens
William D. Stevens
Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 -
Roland P. Keddie
Roland P. Keddie
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/2003 01/04/2003
Murray W. Grigg
Murray W. Grigg
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2003 01/01/2003
Dallas Spear
Dallas Spear
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2001 -
David Wayne Trice
David Wayne Trice
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/08/2011 -
James D. Lightner
James D. Lightner
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1997 01/01/1999
Robert W. Kelly
Robert W. Kelly
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1999 01/01/1999
Thomas H. Atkins
Thomas H. Atkins
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1984 01/01/1998
Ted Collins
Ted Collins
President - 01/01/1988
Patricia Edwards
Patricia Edwards
Chief Administrative Officer 01/01/1997 01/04/2017
Human Resources Officer 01/01/1980 -
Corporate Secretary 01/01/1999 01/01/2008
Kimberly A. Matthews
Kimberly A. Matthews
Public Communications Contact - -
Kenneth D. Pfau
Kenneth D. Pfau
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Katie E. Henning
Katie E. Henning
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Raymond L. Ingle
Raymond L. Ingle
Corporate Officer/Principal 20/04/2009 -
Gary L. Pitts
Gary L. Pitts
Corporate Officer/Principal 20/04/2009 -
John M. Johnston
John M. Johnston
Chief Operating Officer - -
Bob Davis
Bob Davis
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel L. Wilson
Daniel L. Wilson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John H. Haskins
John H. Haskins
Corporate Officer/Principal 20/04/2009 -
G. Don Culpepper
G. Don Culpepper
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Elizabeth M. Ivers
Elizabeth M. Ivers
Public Communications Contact 19/06/2009 -
John Parker
John Parker
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
K. Leonard
K. Leonard
Public Communications Contact 08/09/2011 -
J. Wade Kovash
J. Wade Kovash
Corporate Officer/Principal 03/06/2011 -
Gary L. Smith
Gary L. Smith
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Lindell L. Looger
Lindell L. Looger
Corporate Officer/Principal 15/07/2011 -
Sherry Reese
Sherry Reese
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/07/2011 -
Terry L. Luttrell
Terry L. Luttrell
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michelle Mayo
Michelle Mayo
Public Communications Contact - -
Helen Y. Lim
Helen Y. Lim
Treasurer - -
Amar Pandila
Amar Pandila
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Edward Randall
Edward Randall
Director/Board Member - -
James C. Fletcher
James C. Fletcher
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Cedric W. Burgher
Cedric W. Burgher
Investor Relations Contact - -
Public Communications Contact - -
Greg Piper
Greg Piper
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Joseph Cofelice
Joseph Cofelice
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Phil C. DeLozier
Phil C. DeLozier
Private Equity Investor - -
Andrew N. Hoyle
Andrew N. Hoyle
General Counsel - -
Sales & Marketing - -
Ronnie L. Adams
Ronnie L. Adams
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Richard A. Ott
Richard A. Ott
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Timothy R. Lindvall
Timothy R. Lindvall
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1995 -
George Bruce Brumley
George Bruce Brumley
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gordon W. Turner
Gordon W. Turner
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Looney
David Looney
Treasurer - -
Stephen Lipari
Stephen Lipari
Chief Operating Officer - -
Steven B. Coleman
Steven B. Coleman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kurt D. Doerr
Kurt D. Doerr
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kenneth E. Dunn
Kenneth E. Dunn
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Marc R. Eschenburg
Marc R. Eschenburg
General Counsel - 06/03/2014
Sales & Marketing - -
Curtis C. Parsons
Curtis C. Parsons
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Janet B. Johnson
Janet B. Johnson
Compliance Officer - -
David L. Rolando
David L. Rolando
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Margarett Prestidge
Margarett Prestidge
General Counsel - -

Distribución por Edad de los Ejecutivos

Paridad de género

Hombre 25
Mujer 10

De los cuales Comité Ejecutivo

Hombre 12
Mujer 4

De los cuales Directores

Hombre 6
Mujer 3


Medio ambiente
Logo EOG Resources, Inc.
EOG Resources, Inc. está especializada en la exploración y producción de gas natural y petróleo crudo. Las ventas netas se desglosan por actividad de la siguiente manera - venta de crudo y productos condensados (79,1%): 475.800 barriles vendidos al día en 2023; - venta de gas natural licuado (10,9%): 223.800 barriles vendidos al día; - venta de gas natural (10%): 48,4 millones de m3 vendidos al día. Las ventas netas se distribuyen geográficamente del siguiente modo: Estados Unidos (98,7%) y Trinidad (1,3%).
Más información sobre la empresa

Salida de Personas Clave

Forrest E. Hoglund
Forrest E. Hoglund

Chief Executive Officer

01/09/1987 01/01/1999

Mark Papa
Mark Papa

Chief Executive Officer

01/01/1999 01/07/2013

William Thomas
William Thomas

Chief Executive Officer

01/07/2013 01/10/2021