Ira A. Lipman

Ira A. Lipman

Director/Miembro de la Junta en Simon Wiesenthal Center, Inc. .

Consumer Services
Commercial Services

Origen de la red de primer grado Ira A. Lipman.

EntidadTipo de entidadIndustria
Non-Profit Organization Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds 745
College/University Other Consumer Services 176
Ohio Wesleyan University
College/University Other Consumer Services 27
Non-Profit Organization Miscellaneous Commercial Services 19

Gráfico Empresas conectadas de segundo grado

Relaciones con varias empresas

Empresas conectadas a Ira A. Lipman a través de su red personal

EmpresaSectorPersonas relacionadasPuesto principal
Harvard Business School College/University

Robert Millard

Hilda Margarita Ochoa-Brillembourg

Karen Mills

Gerald Schwartz

Mark M. Colodny

Ali Yildirim Koç

Pamela Thomas-Graham

Nisha Kumar

Christopher Howard

Margaret Crotty

Christopher Harland

Jamie B. Stewart

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Selena Cuffe

Daniella Ballou-Aares

Masters Business Admin

Doctorate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Undergraduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin


Peter Solomon

Martha Bejar

Hilda Margarita Ochoa-Brillembourg

Robert Rubin

Karen Mills

Frances D. Cook

Ali Yildirim Koç

Pamela Thomas-Graham

Nisha Kumar

Jody Freeman

Cesar Conde

Darius Adamczyk

Katherine Baicker

Masters Business Admin

Undergraduate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Doctorate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Doctorate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Virginia Kamsky

Charles Phillips

Scott Freidheim

Pamela Thomas-Graham

Emily Rafferty

Donna Milrod

Peter Henry

PikLing Cheung

Tao Tan

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

The Trustees of Columbia University in The City of New York College/University

Judith Rodin

Daniel Loeb

C. Parker

Margaret Crotty

Donna Milrod

Adriana Cisneros de Griffin

Tao Tan

Paul Dabbar

Doctorate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Undergraduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Harvard Law School College/University

William Heyman

Kenneth Chenault

Mark M. Colodny

Pamela Thomas-Graham

Joel Motley

Jody Freeman

Jennifer J. Raab

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Doctorate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal

Graduate Degree

Stanford University College/University

Carla A. Hills

Kavitarak Shriram

Celeste Ford

Jody Freeman

Stanislav Polovets

Lily Sarafan

Selena Cuffe

Undergraduate Degree

Director/Board Member

Graduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal

Undergraduate Degree


Judith Rodin

Robert Rubin

Daniel Loeb

Lisa Maria Caputo

Peter Henry

Brent McIntosh

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Public Communications Contact

Director/Board Member

General Counsel

Harvard College College/University

John Thornton

Mark M. Colodny

Joel Motley

Christopher Harland

Teresa Barger

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Brown University College/University

Steven Price

Keith Abell

Michael Peterson

Lisa Maria Caputo

Adam Berlew

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

John Thornton

Michael Peter Schulhof

Judith Rodin

Daniel Loeb

David Rubenstein

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Steven Elliott Koonin

David Rubenstein

Paula Kerger

Jody Freeman

Katherine Baicker

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Harvard Kennedy School of Government College/University

Hilda Margarita Ochoa-Brillembourg

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

James Lieber

Daniella Ballou-Aares

Charles Hooper

Graduate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

William E. Mayer

Hilda Margarita Ochoa-Brillembourg

Bantz John Craddock

Frances Townsend

Stanley Roth

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

University of Oxford College/University

John Thornton

Jeffrey Nuechterlein

Christopher Howard

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Peter Henry

Graduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Doctorate Degree

Doctorate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Investment Banks/Brokers

Steven Price

Keith Abell

Mike Bingle

Will Mesdag

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

New York University College/University

Steven Elliott Koonin

Robert Millard

Boris Jordan

Adriana Cisneros de Griffin

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Graduate Degree

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Edward Bastian

Paul G. Stern

David Rubenstein

C. Parker

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member


Michael Peter Schulhof

Seth M. Siegel

Jennifer J. Raab

Daniella Ballou-Aares

Graduate Degree


Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Steven Elliott Koonin

Christopher Howard

Frances Townsend

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

University of Michigan College/University

Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty

Kavitarak Shriram

Sanjay Gupta

Brent McIntosh

Graduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Doctorate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Kenneth Chenault

Gregory Brown

David Rubenstein

Darius Adamczyk

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

National Committee on United States-China Relations, Inc.

John Thornton

Keith Abell

Carla A. Hills

Nancy Maasbach

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Director/Board Member

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Pamela Thomas-Graham

Donna Milrod

Teresa Barger

Tao Tan

Corporate Officer/Principal

Consultant / Advisor

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Yale University College/University

Judith Rodin

Robert Rubin

William Foote

Katherine Baicker

Corporate Officer/Principal

Graduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania College/University

Keith Abell

Deven Parekh

Cesar Conde

Adam Berlew

Masters Business Admin

Undergraduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Gregory Brown

David Rubenstein

Darius Adamczyk

John Waldron

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Packaged Software

Michael Peter Schulhof

Kenneth Chenault

Edgar Bronfman

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member


Charlene Barshefsky

Charles Phillips

Kenneth Chenault

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Chief Executive Officer

Princeton University College/University

Virginia Kamsky

William Heyman

Margaret Crotty

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Other Consumer Services

Judith Rodin

Kenneth Chenault

Emily Rafferty

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Massachusetts Institute of Technology College/University

Steven Elliott Koonin

Robert Millard

Peter Henry

Doctorate Degree

Director/Board Member

Doctorate Degree

University of Pennsylvania College/University

Keith Abell

Judith Rodin

Paul G. Stern

Graduate Degree


Director/Board Member

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Kenneth Chenault

Gregory Brown

Darius Adamczyk

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

MORGAN STANLEY Investment Managers

Charles Phillips

Nisha Kumar

Christopher Harland

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Public Communications Contact

Hospital/Nursing Management

Kenneth Chenault

Edgar Bronfman

Deven Parekh

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Oilfield Services/Equipment

Kenneth Chenault

Robert Rubin

Karen Mills

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

John Thornton

Emily Rafferty

Stanley Roth


Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

Business Executives for National Security

Charles Phillips

Paul G. Stern

Frances Townsend

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Federal Reserve Bank of New York General Government

Charles Phillips

Emily Rafferty

Jamie B. Stewart

Director/Board Member


Chief Operating Officer

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Charles Phillips

Kenneth Chenault

Michael Peterson

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member


Scott Freidheim

Will Mesdag

Lisa Maria Caputo

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Graduate Degree

Investment Managers

Karen Mills

Peter Henry

Katherine Baicker

Director/Board Member


Corporate Officer/Principal

Yale School of Management College/University

John Thornton

Teresa Barger

Nancy Maasbach

Graduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin


Mike Bingle

David Rubenstein

C. Parker

Director/Board Member


Undergraduate Degree

THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. Investment Banks/Brokers

John Thornton

Barry Zubrow

John Waldron


Chief Administrative Officer



Martha Bejar

Adriana Cisneros de Griffin

Undergraduate Degree

Director/Board Member

The University of Chicago College/University

David Rubenstein

C. Parker


Graduate Degree

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Judith Rodin

Katherine Baicker

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Hilda Margarita Ochoa-Brillembourg

Deven Parekh

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Paula Kerger

Donna Milrod

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal



Estados Unidos 50
Reino Unido 2


Consumer Services 23
Commercial Services 15
Finance 8
Miscellaneous 2
Technology Services 2


Director/Board Member 1074
Corporate Officer/Principal 426
Independent Dir/Board Member 245
Chairman 186
Chief Executive Officer 97