En tiempo real
Otros sitios de cotización
Varia. Cinco días. | Varia. 1 de enero. | ||
6,937 EUR | +0,36 % | +2,94 % | +3,08 % |
06:54 | Alberto De Paoli podría dejar Enel en breve | AN |
03/12 | Enel, acción legal de las asociaciones de consumidores por la subida de precios | RE |
Publs. oficiales
Slide show Q3 | 06/11 | CO |
3rd quarter results | 06/11 | CO |
3rd quarter results | 06/11 | CO |
Share buyback | 08/10 | CO |
Share buyback | 01/10 | CO |
Share buyback | 24/09 | CO |
Half-year report | 06/08 | CO |
Half-year report | 06/08 | CO |
Slide show half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
1st-half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
1st-half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
Minutes of the general assembly | 23/05 | CO |
Minutes of the general assembly | 23/05 | CO |
1st quarter report | 09/05 | CO |
1st quarter report | 09/05 | CO |
Slide show Q1 | 09/05 | CO |
1st quarter results | 09/05 | CO |
1st quarter results | 09/05 | CO |
Annual ESG Report | 19/04 | CO |
Annual ESG Report | 19/04 | CO |
Integrated report | 19/04 | CO |
Annual financial report | 19/04 | CO |
Integrated report | 19/04 | CO |
Annual financial report | 19/04 | CO |
Slide show results | 21/03 | CO |
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