< table style="width: 667px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">< colgroup>< col width="219" />< col width="448" />< /colgroup>< tbody>< tr>< td class="xl68" width="219" height="21">< strong> Lunes 30 de enero < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67" width="448">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Bluebird Merchant Ventures Ltd < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Contango Holdings PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Hollywood Bowl Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> SkinBioTherapeutics PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> GM re annual report review < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl70" height="21"> Starwood European Real Estate Finance Ltd < /td>< td class="xl67"> EGM re capital return  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Webis Holdings PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Martes 31 de enero < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Hydrogen Future Industries PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Mobile Streams PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl70" height="21"> Residential Secure Income PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM (TBC) < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Star Phoenix Group Ltd < /td>< td class="xl67"> GM re removal and appointment of auditor < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Team PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Yamana Gold Inc < /td>< td class="xl67"> SGM re transacción con Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd y Pan American Silver Corp < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Zamaz PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Miércoles 1 de febrero < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Baronsmead Second Venture Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Baronsmead Venture Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Capricorn Energy PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> GM re directors removal and appointment of new directors < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Catalyst Media Group < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Hyve Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Imperial Brands PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Premier Miton Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> Renew Holdings PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl70" height="21"> Schroder Asia Pacific Fund PLC < /td>< td class="xl67"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Jueves 2 de febrero < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21"> abrdn Equity Income Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Alteration Earth PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Baillie Gifford European Growth Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl70" height="21"> Cerillion PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Sage Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Tectonic Gold PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> ValiRx PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> GM re recaudación de fondos < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21">< strong>Viernes 3 de febrero < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl67">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Focusrite PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> AGM < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">   < /td>< td class="xl67">   < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl69" colspan="2" height="21"> Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados < /td>< /tr>< /tbody>< /table>