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Precio de cierre Chicago Board Of Trade 20:19:55 17/07/2024 Varia. Cinco días. Varia. 1 de enero.
14,44 USD +0,21 % Gráfico intradía de Rough Rice Future (ZR) - CBE/C1 -16,10 % -16,58 %
Japan cool to inviting China into TPP as Abe repeats free trade mantra
BASF will mit Pflanzenschutz für indischen Reis punkten
BASF will mit Pflanzenschutz für indischen Reis punkten
Nissin Foods : Premier Foods cuts profit forecast, shares tumble
Allergan : Pharma company executives debate drug pricing increases
Les civils de Mossoul tentent de vivre au milieu des combats
Antero Resources : U.S. oil, gas reserve-based loans rise by 5 pct
Carrizo Oil & Gas : U.S. shale companies to boost spending as banks loosen purse strings
France-Une pétition réclame un "vrai procès" pour Lagarde
IMF board to consider Lagarde negligence verdict - spokesman
IWF-Chefin Lagarde schuldig in Finanzaffäre - Aber keine Strafe
IWF-Chefin Lagarde schuldig in Finanzaffäre - Aber keine Strafe
Dpa-AFX Überblick: KONJUNKTUR von 17.00 Uhr - 19.12.2016
FMI: Christine Lagarde coupable de "négligence" dans l'affaire Tapie
IWF-Vorstand soll wegen Lagarde zusammenkommen
Insight - Heralding social, financial change, China aims blow at iron rice bowl
Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Mining : Heralding social, financial change, China aims blow at iron rice bowl
Résumé des principales informations économiques de vendredi 16 décembre
OMC: la Chine bloque une demande de panel émanant des USA
Chipotle founder Ells takes over as sole CEO at burrito chain
IMF says retains confidence in Lagarde over French trial
BP : approves $9 billion Mad Dog project in Gulf, a first since spill
U.S. companies hope Trump will stick to business roots, back Cuba ties
Xiaomi says shrinking smartphone sales won't hit the company
Syrie-Les forces du régime tentent de couper Alep-Est en deux
Tous les hôpitaux d'Alep-Est seraient hors service
Inde: le FMI appelle à minimiser les "perturbations" de la démonétisation
IMF looks forward to working with Trump, won't judge his trade views
Mitsubishi Electric relève ses estimations de bénéfice annuel
RPT-Alphabet bat le consensus au troisième trimestre
Google parent Alphabet profit surges on mobile, video ads
Google parent Alphabet profit surges on mobile, video ads
Alphabet : bat le consensus au T3 et rachète des actions
IMF says decision on new Greek loan possible by year-end
Japan's new recipe for exports - feed the world's foodies
Morning Briefing - International
Fresenius Medical Care will expandieren - Auch Asien und Lateinamerika im Blick
Obama eases restrictions on Cuba, lifts limits on rum and cigars
Caterpillar : GE turns to Chinese partners to lift Silk Road infrastructure sales
McCormick mpany Incorporated : Premier Foods blames warm September for sales shortfall
IWF verwahrt sich gegen deutsches Griechenland-Ultimatum
IMF says still engaged with Greece, no decision yet on bailout role
Video löst neue Revolte gegen Trump aus - Republikaner in der Krise
Les prix du blé et du riz devraient atteindre des records à la baisse (FAO)
Selling uniforms for food, Venezuela oil workers feel the pinch