Otros idiomas EUR / THB

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Diferido 14:09:55 03/06/2024 Varia. Cinco días. Varia. 1 de enero.
39,89 THB -0,02 % Gráfico intradía de Euro / Thai Baht (EUR/THB) +0,77 % +5,07 %
Thai May exports fall 22.5% year-on-year, but gold shipments surge
Thai central bank seen holding key rate at record low to assess risks - Reuters poll
Thai baht strength in line with regional currencies, central bank says
Thai baht must not be a problem for economic recovery, minister says
Thai baht strength driven by weaker dollar, cenbank says
Asian currencies gain ahead of Fed decision
Thai central bank says economic outlook uncertain amid virus outbreak
Thai exports to shrink 8% this year, baht climb a concern, say shippers
Thai central bank cuts key rate to record low to ease virus-led downturn
Thrashed by pandemic fears, Thai, Philippine stocks plunge
Asia FX sentiment weakens; bearish bets pile on Singapore dollar
Thai economic growth slips to five-year low, rate cuts likely
Thai economy may grow less than 2% this year - central bank
Robinson PCL : Thailand's largest IPO braves market, priced near top of range
Thai central bank says still has room to help economy after cutting rate to record low
Dpa-AFX Überblick: KONJUNKTUR vom 05.02.2020 - 17.00 Uhr
VIRUS: Thailand senkt Leitzins auf neues Rekordtief
Virus fears turn big investors bearish on Asian currencies - for now
S&P 500 : China proxies bear the brunt of investor concerns on virus
Thailand's 2019 foreign tourists up 4%; China virus, strong baht a risk
Thai monetary policy should be accommodative for some time - central bank
Thailand's 2020 rice exports forecast to fall to lowest in seven years
Thailand's tourist arrivals may grow less than 5% this year - industry body
Thai central bank says ready to curb resilient baht if needed
Top Thai business groups see GDP growth of 2.5%-3% this year
Thai cabinet approves $8.6 billion of loan measures to help smaller firms
Thailand has policy room to handle baht gains - finance minister
Thai economy ends gloomy year with slim prospects for cheer in 2020
Thailand's new inflation target no changes in monetary policy-deputy governor
Thai central bank has not closed door to further easing - governor
Thai central bank seen holding key rate at record low after two cuts - Reuters poll
Thailand aims to reduce rubber plantations, ramp up value of exports
Thai central bank chief says worried about rapid baht gains
Thai government approves new economic stimulus measures
Thai central bank to ease FX rules due to limited scope on rates
Thai economy slows in third quarter, 2019 growth outlook cut again
Thailand third-quarter GDP growth to slow further as export downturn deepens - Reuters poll
Thailand central bank to lower growth outlook, still has scope to support economy
Markets turn long on Chinese yuan, peso bulls at 5-1/2-year peak - Reuters poll
Thailand relaxes FX rules to rein in baht strength
Thailands Notenbank senkt Leitzins auf Rekordtief
Thai central bank may hold key rate amid slow growth, strong baht - Reuters poll
Low, lower, lowest: Emerging central banks deliver more rate cuts
Gold a new headache for Thai central bank as baht surges
Most Asian units firm; Thai baht hits over 6-year high
-40% Oferta por Tiempo Limitado: Nuestras suscripciones le guían hacia las mejores inversiones del mañana.