
Nombre Mnemo Bolsa de valores Volumen promedio Cotización Tipo

Euronext Paris +5 Otros

380 253 1,58 EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances Acción

Deutsche Boerse AG

- 1,592 EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances

London S.E.

1 385 1,575 EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances


- - EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances

Börse Stuttgart

- 1,536 EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances


- 1,584 EUR Acción Pierre & Vacances

Euronext Paris

0 0,3 EUR Warrant PIERRE AND VACANCES Warrant

Euronext Paris

- - % Obligacion PIERRE & 2.0/APR23 Obligacion

Euronext Paris

0 0,165 EUR Warrant Pierre et Vacances SA Warrant

Euronext Paris


Noticias (18)

PACCAR Inc anuncia los nombramientos para el Consejo de Administración, con efecto a partir del 1 de julio de 2024 CI
Las grandes petroleras ajustan sus carteras pensando en los 30 dólares por barril RE
Las grandes petroleras remodelan sus carteras pensando en un precio de 30 dólares por barril RE
Los analistas de Wall Street recortan las previsiones de Chevron mientras se acumulan los contratiempos RE
La compra de Hess por Chevron resucita un escudo fiscal multimillonario RE
El beneficio de Chevron en el tercer trimestre se desploma, sus acciones caen un 6%. RE
La petrolera Chevron compra Hess por 60.000 millones de dólares en acciones DJ
Chevron nombra a Eimear Bonner nueva directora financiera RE
Exxon y Chevron divididas sobre cómo gestionar las crecientes reservas de efectivo RE
Chevron supera las estimaciones en el primer trimestre pese a la baja de precios RE
Chevron supera las estimaciones con un aumento de los beneficios en el primer trimestre pese a la caída de los precios del petróleo RE
La TCO de Chevron espera que la producción total fluya a través del CPC en noviembre RE
Los beneficios de las grandes petroleras en el segundo trimestre alcanzan la cifra récord de 50.000 millones de dólares - con BP aún por llegar RE
Exxon y Chevron obtienen resultados récord y aumentan las recompras de acciones RE
Los gigantes petrolíferos estadounidenses Exxon y Chevron obtienen beneficios extraordinarios y aumentan las recompras RE
Chevron promete frenar las emisiones de carbono y aumentar la producción de petróleo con un gasto modesto RE
BP : Chevron registra pérdidas en el cuarto trimestre por menores márgenes RE
Chevron registra una pérdida de 8.300 millones de dólares por las amortizaciones y los recortes de empleo RE

Empresas (23)

Logo Go Metals Corp.

Go Metals Corp. es una empresa en fase de exploración con sede en Canadá. El proyecto HSP de níquel-cobre-cobalto está situado a unos 130 kilómetros (km) al norte de Havre-Saint-Pierre, en Quebec, y la propiedad, de unos 150 kilómetros cuadrados, se encue ...

Logo Pierre & Vacances

Pierre & Vacances es uno de los principales operadores europeos de residencias y villas turísticas. Las ventas netas se desglosan por a ctividad de la siguiente manera: - explotación de residencias y pueblos (94,5%): gestiona, a finales de septiembr ...


Biopharm SPA es uno de los principales grupos farmacéuticos de Argelia. El grupo fabrica productos farmacéuticos genéricos bajo sus propias marcas, así como medicamentos bajo licencia para laboratorios como Sanofi, Eli Lilly y Pierre Fabre. A finales de ...

Logo Immobilière Parisienne de la Perle et des Pierres Précieuses

Immobilière Parisienne de la Perle et des Pierres Précieuses se especializa en la tenencia y gestión del inmueble ubicado en 38 rue Croix des Petits Champs y del inmueble ubicado en Avenida Nicolas de Pierola n°508-540, Esquina con la Avenida Garcilaso de ...

Logo Sincere Watch (Hong Kong) Limited

Sincere Watch (Hong Kong) Limited es un holding de inversiones con sede en Hong Kong que se dedica principalmente a los negocios de vigilancia. Los principales negocios de la Compañía incluyen la distribución de relojes de marca, relojes y accesorios, neg ...

Logo Truworths Limited

Truworths Limited está especializada en el diseño, la fabricación y la comercialización de ropa y accesorios para hombre y mujer. Las ventas netas se desglosan por actividad de la siguiente manera - distribución al por menor de ropa y accesorios (98,6%): ...

Logo Galenica AG

Galenica AG, anteriormente Galenica Sante Ltd, es un proveedor de servicios y productos sanitarios con sede en Suiza. La actividad de la empresa se divide en tres sectores de negocio: Venta al por menor, Productos y marcas, y Servicios. La empresa gestion ...

AHLERS AG 155 791 $
Logo Ahlers AG

Ahlers AG es un fabricante de productos de moda con sede en Alemania. Opera a través de dos segmentos: Marcas Premium y Jeans, Casual & Workwear. El segmento de Marcas Premium comprende las marcas Baldessarini, Pierre Cardin y Otto Kern, y ofrece ropa tan ...

Logo Israir Group Ltd

BGI Investments 1961 Ltd. es una empresa con sede en Israel que opera en el sector de la fabricación de ropa a través de su filial, Bagir Group Ltd. (BGI). La empresa desarrolla, fabrica y vende moda a medida para hombre y mujer. Bagir Group Ltd. está esp ...

Logo Flair Writing Industries Limited

Flair Writing Industries Limited es una empresa con sede en la India. La empresa fabrica y distribuye instrumentos de escritura, incluidos bolígrafos, productos de papelería y calculadoras, y también se ha diversificado en la fabricación de productos de m ...

B.G.I. INVESTMENTS (1961) LTD 24 M $
Logo B.G.I. Investments (1961) Ltd

BGI Investments 1961 Ltd. es una empresa con sede en Israel que opera en el sector de la fabricación de ropa a través de su filial, Bagir Group Ltd. (BGI). La empresa desarrolla, fabrica y vende moda a medida para hombre y mujer. Bagir Group Ltd. está esp ...

Logo Blackbird Critical Metals Corp.

Blackbird Critical Metals Corp., anteriormente Gama Explorations Inc., es una empresa de exploración minera con sede en Canadá. La empresa se centra en la adquisición, exploración y desarrollo de propiedades minerales que contienen metales utilizados en t ...

Logo Arbor Metals Corp.

Arbor Metals Corp. es una empresa de exploración minera centrada en el desarrollo de proyectos minerales de gran valor y relevancia geográfica en todo el mundo. La empresa se dedica principalmente a identificar, adquirir y explorar y, si se justifica, des ...

Logo NeoTerrex Minerals Inc.

NeoTerrex Minerals Inc. es una empresa de exploración minera. La empresa se centra en el desarrollo de propiedades de elementos de tierras raras y litio en Canadá. La Compañía posee proyectos prospectivos de tierras raras y litio situados en la favorable ...

Logo Noble Mineral Exploration Inc.

Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. es una empresa de exploración junior con sede en Canadá. La empresa se dedica a la exploración y evaluación de recursos minerales. Posee aproximadamente 25.000 hectáreas de derechos mineros hectáreas de derechos mineros en l ...

Logo Kintavar Exploration Inc.

Kintavar Exploration Inc. se dedica a la adquisición, exploración y evaluación de propiedades mineras en Canadá. Sus segmentos incluyen la exploración y evaluación, y el equipamiento. El segmento de exploración y evaluación se dedica a la adquisición, exp ...

GASTEM INC. 8 978 $
Logo Gastem Inc.

Gastem Inc. es una empresa independiente de exploración y desarrollo de petróleo y gas con sede en Canadá. La empresa tiene derechos e intereses sobre propiedades de exploración situadas en las tierras bajas del San Lorenzo, la península de Gaspe y las is ...

MESB 16 M $

MESB Berhad es un holding de inversiones. Los segmentos de la empresa incluyen la venta al por menor, el holding de inversiones y el reciclaje de residuos. Su segmento de venta al por menor se dedica al comercio y la venta al por menor de productos de cue ...

Logo Nexus Industrial REIT

Nexus Industrial REIT es un fondo de inversión inmobiliaria de capital variable con sede en Canadá. La empresa y sus filiales poseen y explotan propiedades inmobiliarias comerciales en todo Canadá. Cuenta con una cartera de propiedades industriales, de of ...

Logo Safilo Group S.p.A.

Safilo Group SpA es un holding con sede en Italia del Grupo Safilo (el Grupo). El Grupo fabrica gafas de sol y gafas graduadas y se dedica al diseño, la producción y la distribución al por mayor y al por menor de productos para el mercado de las gafas. El ...

Logo Mediawan

Mediawan SA es una empresa independiente de contenidos audiovisuales con sede en Francia que opera en las industrias de contenidos audiovisuales y de entretenimiento tradicionales y digitales. El Grupo opera en cuatro subsectores: producción de contenidos ...

Logo Silmäasema Oyj

Silmaasema Oyj es un holding finlandés del grupo Silmaasema, que ofrece bienes y servicios oftálmicos. El Grupo se dedica a la venta al por menor de gafas, gafas de sol y lentes de contacto, con una cartera que comprende marcas como Burberry, Dolce & Gabb ...

Logo Gazal Corporation Limited

Gazal Corporation Limited se dedica al diseño, la fabricación, la importación, la venta al por mayor y al por menor de ropa y accesorios de marca. La empresa opera a través del segmento Wholesale Group, que opera como proveedor de ropa de uniformes corpor ...



Foto Pierre Breber
Pierre Breber

Actualmente, Pierre R. Breber ocupa el cargo de Presidente de United Way of the Bay Area. El Sr. Breber también forma parte del consejo de administración de The U.S.-Japan Business Council, Inc. y es director financiero y vicepresidente de Chevron Corp. El Sr. Breber se licenció y se graduó en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, y obtuvo un MBA en la Universidad de Cornell.

Pierre Omidyar
Pierre Omidyar

Pierre Morad Omidyar fundó 15 empresas, entre ellas: eBay, Inc., First Look Media, Inc. y Peer News LLC. En la actualidad, ocupa el cargo de director general de Peer News LLC (que fundó en 2010), director general de Pierre Morad Omidyar (gestión de inversiones) y socio fundador de Omidyar Network LLC (que fundó en 2004). También forma parte del consejo de administración de otras 8 empresas. En el pasado, el Sr. Omidyar ocupó el cargo de codirector general de First Look Media, Inc. (que fundó en 1993). El Sr. Omidyar se licenció en la Universidad de Tufts.

Pierre Georges Denis Graff
Pierre Georges Denis Graff

Mr. Pierre G.
Graff is Deputy Chairman-European & International Affairs at Le Conseil National du Tourisme.
He is on the Board of Directors at MEDEF Paris and Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens SA (France).
Mr. Graff was previously employed as a Member-Supervisory Board by Luchthaven Schiphol NV, a Member by Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental, and Chairman & Chief Executive Officer by Aéroports de Paris SA. He also served on the board at Orange SA, GDF SUEZ SA, SOGEADE Gerance SAS, Société de Gestion de Participations Aéronautiques SA, and TAV Havalimanlari Holding AS.
He received his undergraduate degree from Ecole Polytechnique and an undergraduate degree from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Foto Pierre Bellon
Pierre Bellon

Pierre Bellon es un empresario francés que fundó Sodexo SA, Association Pierre Bellon, Association Progrs du Management y Sodexo Federal Services, Inc. y que ha estado al frente de 5 empresas diferentes. En la actualidad, el Sr. Bellon es Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión de Sobelnat SCA, Presidente de la Association Pierre Bellon y Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión de Bellon SA. El Sr. Bellon también forma parte del consejo de administración de Sodexo SA (antiguo presidente) y de la Association Progrs du Management (antiguo presidente) y es miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Federación Francesa de Empresarios. En su trayectoria profesional anterior fue vicepresidente de Le Conseil National du Patronat Franais. Se licenció en la Escuela de Altos Estudios Comerciales de París.

Foto Pierre Joubert
Pierre Joubert

En la actualidad, Pierre Joubert es Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Servicios Técnicos en Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. En su anterior carrera, el Sr. Joubert ocupó el cargo de Ejecutivo de Operaciones-ARM Copper en African Rainbow Minerals Ltd.

Foto Pierre Miron
Pierre Miron

El Sr. Pierre C. Miron es Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Sistemas de Información de Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. y Director de Transformación y Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de iA Financial Corp. Anteriormente, el Sr. Miron trabajó como Director Financiero, Secretario y Director en Quantum Numbers Corp., Director de Grandes Cuentas en La Caisse Centrale Desjardins du Québec, Director Financiero y Director en Affinor Growers, Inc., Director de Cuentas en el National Bank of Canada, Presidente en Quantitative Methods Corp., Director Administrativo en The Bank of Nova Scotia y Director de Banca en The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Se licenció en la École des Hautes Études Commerciales de París y en la Université du Québec à Montréal.

Foto David Pierre
David Pierre

En la actualidad, David Pierre es director de operaciones de Signify Health LLC y director de operaciones de Signify Health, Inc. En el pasado, ocupó el cargo de director general y vicepresidente de Cerner Corp. y director de operaciones de Drynachan LLC. David Pierre obtuvo un MBA en la Booth School of Business de la Universidad de Chicago y una licenciatura en la Southern Methodist University.

Foto Pierre Naudé
Pierre Naudé

El Sr. Pierre Naud es presidente, director general y consejero de nCino, Inc. y consejero independiente de Thoma Bravo Advantage. Forma parte del Consejo de Administración de nCino, Inc. y de Thoma Bravo Advantage. Anteriormente, el Sr. Naud trabajó como presidente de la división financiera de sucursales y comunidades de EE.UU. de S1 Corp., como vicepresidente de Unisys Corp. y como socio gerente de Unisystems, Inc. Se licenció en la Universidad de Upper Iowa.

Foto Pierre Kemula
Pierre Kemula

El Sr. Pierre Kemula es Director Financiero de CureVac NV y Director Financiero de CureVac AG. Anteriormente, el Sr. Kemula fue Director Financiero de Pixium Vision SA y Vicepresidente de Tesorería, Mercados Financieros y Finanzas Corporativas de Ipsen SA. Se licenció en la London School of Economics & Political Science.

Foto Pierre Ribeiro
Pierre Ribeiro

En la actualidad, Pierre Ribeiro ocupa el cargo de Presidente de Somfy Systems, Inc., Presidente de TTMD SA y Director Financiero y de Relaciones con los Inversores de Somfy SA. El Sr. Ribeiro también es gerente de Somfybat SA y forma parte del consejo de administración de otras 12 empresas. El Sr. Ribeiro se licenció en la Escuela Superior de Gestión.

Foto Pierre Vergerio
Pierre Vergerio

Pierre Vergerio ocupa el cargo de Director-Gas Midstream & Energy Management en Edison SpA. También es Director General de Electricite de France. Anteriormente fue Director General de Fenice Qualit per l'Ambiente SpA. Se licenció en la Escuela Nacional Superior de Electrónica y Aplicaciones.

Foto Pierre Brondeau
Pierre Brondeau

El Dr. Pierre R. Brondeau es presidente de Livent Corp., presidente de FMC Corp., director principal independiente de TE Connectivity Corp. y director principal independiente de TE Connectivity Ltd. Forma parte del Consejo de Administración de The Franklin Institute, TE Connectivity Corp. y TE Connectivity Ltd. Anteriormente, el Dr. Brondeau fue Presidente de American Chemistry Council, Inc., Director Independiente de Marathon Oil Corp., Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Rohm & Haas Canada, Inc. LLC, presidente, director ejecutivo y director de operaciones de Rohm & Haas Electronic Materials LLC, presidente y director de operaciones de Rohm & Haas Co. y miembro independiente del Consejo de Supervisión de TE Connectivity Germany GmbH. Se licenció en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas de Toulouse, se graduó en la Universidad de Montpellier y se doctoró en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas de Toulouse.

Foto Pierre Foucry
Pierre Foucry

Pierre Foucry es Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión de Issoria SASU y Director General de 3F Holding GmbH. El Sr. Foucry también forma parte del consejo de otras 5 empresas. En el pasado ocupó el cargo de Director de Planificación y Operaciones Estratégicas en BPCE SA y Director General de Natixis SA (filial de BPCE SA) y Presidente de Issoria SASU. Pierre Foucry se licenció en Sciences Po.

Foto Pierre Shoiry
Pierre Shoiry

Pierre Shoiry es un empresario que ha estado al frente de 5 empresas diferentes, forma parte del consejo de administración de WSP Global, Inc. (antiguo director) y miembro de la Ordre des Ingnieurs du Qubec. En el pasado ocupó el cargo de Presidente y Director General de GENIVAR, Inc., Presidente, Director General y Director de Relaciones con los Inversores en GENIVAR Income Fund, Presidente de la Asociación de Ingenieros Consultores de Canadá y Presidente de la Asociación de Ingenieros Consultores de Quebec. Obtuvo un título de posgrado y una licenciatura en la Universidad Laval.

Foto Pierre Bouchut
Pierre Bouchut

Pierre Bouchut is currently the Chairman at Profi Rom Food SRL Ltd, a Non-Executive Director at Rinascente, the Lead Independent Director at Albioma SA, a Non-Executive Director at GeoPost SA, the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at Entain Plc starting in 2018, an Independent Director at Firmenich International SA, an Independent Non-Executive Director at Pepco Group NV starting in 2021, a Non-Executive Director at Tom & Co Ltd., and a Non-Executive Director at Central Europe Investment Group SA. In his former positions, Mr. Bouchut served as the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Casino, Guichard-Perrachon SA from 1995 to 2003.
He was also a Director at Schneider Electric Ltd., an Independent Non-Executive Director at Hammerson Plc from 2015 to 2021, a Director at Magnit PJSC, a Director at Firmenich SA from 2016 to 2023, the Chief Financial Officer at Carrefour SA from 2009 to 2012, the Chief Financial Officer at Schneider Electric SE from 2005 to 2009, the Chief Financial Officer at Delhaize Le Lion from 2012 to 2016, and a Vice President-Finance at Bankers Trust (France) SA. Additionally, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at Schneider Group (France) from 2005 to 2009 and as the Chief Operating Officer-Europe & Indonesia at Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV from 2016 to 2018.
He also held the position of Chief Financial Officer at Carrefour Group.
Mr. Bouchut obtained a graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and an undergraduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris.

Foto Pierre Boulud
Pierre Boulud

Pierre Boulud is currently the Chief Executive Officer at bioMérieux SA since 2023.
He also holds director positions at Ipsen Pharma SA, Beaufour Ipsen Farmaceutica Ltda., and Biomérieux Diagnostic Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Mr. Boulud previously served as the Managing Director at Ipsen Pharma SAS and as the Executive Vice President-Corporate Strategy at Ipsen SA from 2002 to 2015.
He completed his undergraduate degree at ESSEC Business School.

Pierre Danon
Pierre Danon

Pierre Danon es un empresario francés que ha estado al frente de 16 empresas diferentes y es Presidente de Procontact Ltd., Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión de Volia Cable LLC y Presidente y Director General de Solocal Group. El Sr. Danon también forma parte del consejo de administración de Ciel Ltd. y CIEL Finance Ltd. Anteriormente fue Presidente de TDC A, Presidente de Ericom Software Ltd., Presidente Ejecutivo de All Media Baltics, Director de Operaciones de Capgemini SE, Director de Operaciones del Grupo Capgemini, Vicepresidente de AgroGeneration SA, Presidente de HTN Towers Plc, Director General de Xerox (Europe) Ltd., Presidente Ejecutivo de eir Group Ltd., Presidente no ejecutivo de YPSO Holding SA, Director General de Coditel SARL (Luxemburgo), Director General de BT Retail, Director General de British Telecommunications Plc, Presidente y Director General de Altice France SA, Presidente de Completel SAS y Presidente de Babcock & Brown Capital Ltd. Pierre Danon se licenció en la Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, se graduó en la Universidad Pantheon-Assas y obtuvo un MBA en el Institut Suprieur des Affaires.

Foto Pierre LaPalme
Pierre LaPalme

Pierre Lapalme currently works at GLyPharma Therapeutic, Inc., as Chairman from 2012.
Mr. Lapalme also formerly worked at Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Inc., as Chief Executive Officer & Executive Vice President, North America Ethypharm, Inc., as President & Chief Executive Officer from 1995 to 2003, Rhone-Poulenc Canada, Inc., as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer from 1979 to 1990, Rhone-Poulenc Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer in 1994, Shionogi Pharma, Inc., as Chairman from 2000 to 2008, Bioxel Pharma, Inc., as Chairman from 2002 to 2009, Pediapharm, Inc., as Chairman from 2013 to 2018, Medexus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as Chairman from 2013 to 2018, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc., as Director from 2015 to 2016, Æterna Zentaris, Inc., as Independent Director from 2012 to 2016, BioCapital Investment Advisors, Inc., as Director from 2003 to 2005, Confab, Inc., as Director, National Pharmaceutical Council, as Director, Algorithme Pharma, Inc., as Director, Canada's Research Based Pharmaceutical Cos., as Director, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada, as Director, INSYS Therapeutics, Inc., as Independent Director from 2011 to 2019, Sciele Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as Director from 2000 to 2008, Ciba-Geigy Corp., as Senior Vice President-Sales & Marketing, and Sanofi, as Senior Vice President & GM-North America Ethicals.

Foto Pierre Lilly
Pierre Lilly

Actualmente, Pierre Lilly ocupa el cargo de Director de Cumplimiento y Vicepresidente Senior en Hormel Foods Corp. También es miembro de la Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics, miembro del American Institute of Certified Public Accountants y miembro del Institute of Internal Auditors. Pierre Lilly ocupó anteriormente el cargo de Director de Cumplimiento en Navistar International Corp. y de Director Senior de Auditoría Interna en National Express Corp. Se licenció en la Universidad de Langston.

Foto Pierre Niox-Chateau
Pierre Niox-Chateau

Pierre Niox-Chateau es Vicepresidente de Sistemas de Información en JCDecaux SA. Se licenció en la Ecole Nationale delectronique et dinformatique.

Foto Pierre Dion
Pierre Dion

Pierre Dion is currently the Co-President of The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada.
Previously, he was the President & Chief Executive Officer of Quebecor, Inc. and Quebecor Media, Inc. from 2014 to 2017 and from 2001 to 2017, respectively.
He was also the President, CEO & Non-Independent Director of TVA Group, Inc. from 2005 to 2014.
In addition, he served as a Director at TVA Group, Inc. from 2017 to 2018 and was the President, Secretary & Treasurer of Cyprium Mining Corp.
He received his undergraduate degree from Bishop's University in 1988.

Foto Pierre Péladeau
Pierre Péladeau

Pierre Karl Pladeau es un empresario que ha estado al frente de 15 empresas diferentes y es Presidente de Les Placements Pladeau, Inc., Presidente y Director General de Quebecor, Inc. (filial de Quebecor, Inc.) y Presidente de la Fundación Chopin Peladeau. También forma parte del consejo de administración de CF Cable TV, Inc, Les Editions CEC, Inc y Wasabi Communications, Inc. En su anterior carrera ocupó el cargo de Presidente de La La La Human Steps, Vicepresidente, Presidente y Director General de Quebecor, Inc. Presidente, Presidente y Director General de Quebecor Media, Inc. Presidente de TVA Group, Inc. Presidente y Director General de Vidotron Lte, Presidente y Director General de Quebecor Media, Inc. Presidente y Director General de Sun Media Corp. y Presidente y Director General de Quebecor World, Inc. (todas ellas filiales de Quebecor, Inc.), Presidente de Hydro-Qubec, Presidente y Director General de World Color Press, Inc., Director de Operaciones y Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Quebecor Printing, Inc. y Presidente de la Fondation de l'entrepreneurship. Es licenciado y graduado por la Universidad de Montreal y licenciado por la Universidad de Quebec.

Foto Pierre Samec
Pierre Samec

Pierre Vincent Samec is the founder of Accore, Inc. (founded in 2000) where he holds the title of Chief Executive Officer.
He is also the founder of Petrovision, Inc. (founded in 1990) where he held the title of Vice President-Engineering.
Currently, Dr. Samec is a Director at Sunshine TopCo Ltd.
since 2017 and is also the Chief Technology Officer & Executive VP at Cognizant TriZetto Software Group, Inc. since 2011.
Dr. Samec's former positions include being a Non-Executive Director at MeteoGroup Ltd., Vice President-Quality Operations & Services at Business Objects SA (2004), Chief Information Officer at Ventro Corp.
(1998-2000), Vice President-Engineering at Quintus Corp., Chief Technology Officer at Expedia Group, Inc. (2006-2009), Senior Vice President-Retail Technology at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and Senior Vice President-Product Group at Cartesis, Inc.Dr. Samec's education includes a graduate and doctorate degree from Stanford University and an undergraduate degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.

Foto Pierre Barnabé
Pierre Barnabé

En la actualidad, Pierre Barnabé ocupa el cargo de codirector general y responsable global de la industria manufacturera en ATOS SE, así como el de presidente y director general de Evidian SA y presidente de Bull SAS (ambas filiales de ATOS SE) y presidente de Elexo SAS. También forma parte del consejo de administración de Bull SA. En el pasado, el Sr. Barnabé fue Director General de Société Française de Radiotéléphone SA y Vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos y Transformación en Alcatel-Lucent SAS. Se licenció en la NEOMA Business School y en la École supérieure d'électricité.

Foto Pierre Bouchara
Pierre Bouchara

El Sr. Pierre Bouchara es Director Financiero de BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV.

Foto Pierre Palmieri
Pierre Palmieri

Pierre Palmieri is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Société Générale SA, the Chairman at ALD SA, and the Head of Global Banking & Advisory at Société Générale SA (Broker).
He is also a Member-Supervisory Board at Société Générale Financing & Distribution.
Previously, he worked as a Director at ROSBANK PJSC.
Mr. Palmieri completed his undergraduate degree at École Supérieure de Commerce et de Management in 1982.

Foto Pierre Laubies
Pierre Laubies

Pierre Laubies is currently the President of Masterfoods SASU.
Previously, he was the Chief Executive Officer of D.E.
Master Blenders 1753 BV in 2013, Chief Executive Officer & Director of Coty, Inc. from 2018 to 2020, and Chief Executive Officer of Koninklijke Douwe Egberts BV.
He was also the Chief Executive Officer of JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS.
International BV from 2013 to 2017.
Before that, he served as the President-Pet Care Division of Mars, Inc. from 2009 to 2012.
Additionally, he was a Director at Exeter Holding, Inc. He holds graduate degrees from Sciences Po and Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Foto Pierre Coppey
Pierre Coppey

Pierre Coppey es un empresario francés que ha estado al frente de 14 empresas diferentes y actualmente ocupa el cargo de Presidente de CONSORTIUM Stade de France SA, Presidente del Consejo de Administración y Director de Autoroute Esterel Cote Azur Provence Alp, Presidente de la Association des Socits Franaises d'Autoroute y Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de VINCI SA, Presidente y Director General de Autoroutes du Sud de la France SA, Presidente de Cofiroute SA, Presidente de VINCI Autoroutes SAS y Presidente de VINCI Stadium (todas ellas filiales de VINCI SA). También forma parte del consejo de administración de la Fondation dEntreprise VINCI pour la Cit y es presidente de la Association Aurore. Anteriormente, el Sr. Coppey fue Presidente de Aeroportos De Portugal, de Comunicaciones Internas e Institucionales de La Poste SA, Presidente y Director General de Cofiroute SA, Presidente de VINCI Concessions SAS, Presidente de ASF Holding, Presidente y Director General de Arcour SA y Presidente de VINCI Autoroutes Alsace SASU. Pierre Coppey se licenció en la Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Postes et Tlcommunications y en Sciences Po Strasbourg.

Foto Pierre Bouchut
Pierre Bouchut

El Sr. Pierre Bouchut es director independiente no ejecutivo de Entain Plc, director independiente principal de Albioma SA y director independiente de Firmenich International SA. Forma parte del Consejo de Administración de Entain Plc, GeoPost SA, Albioma SA, Firmenich SA, Firmenich International SA y Rinascente Upim SRL. El sr. Bouchut fue anteriormente Director de Operaciones en Europa e Indonesia en Royal Ahold Delhaize NV, Director no ejecutivo independiente en Hammerson Plc, Director Financiero en Delhaize Group SA, Director Financiero en Carrefour SA, Director Financiero en Schneider Electric SE, Director de Operaciones de Ahold Delhaize NV, Vicepresidente de Finanzas de Bankers Trust (France) SA, Director Financiero del Grupo Carrefour, Director General y Consejero de Casino, Guichard-Perrachon SA, Director de Operaciones de Royal Ahold Delhaize NV y Director Financiero del Grupo Schneider (Francia). También formó parte del consejo de administración de Magnit OJSC y de Schneider Electric Ltd. Se licenció en Hautes Etudes Commerciales y se graduó en la Universit Paris Dauphine-PSL.

Pierre Nanterme
Pierre Nanterme

Pierre Nanterme served as the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Accenture Ltd.
from 2011 to 2011.
He then became the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Accenture SCA in 2014 and held the position until 2019.
Nanterme also served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Accenture Plc from 2013 to 2019 and as the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Accenture Holdings Plc from 2011 to 2019.
Prior to his time at Accenture, he was the Chairman of Syntech and MEDEF Paris.
He also served as the Chairman of the French Consulting Association and as a Director of The Transatlantic Business Dialogue.
Nanterme was a member of the Forum Mondial de L'Economie and The Wall Street Journal CEO Council.
He received his undergraduate degree from ESSEC Business School.

Pierre Pringuet
Pierre Pringuet

El Sr. Pierre Pringuet es Presidente de la Fondation ParisTech, Presidente de Amicale Du Corps Des Mines, Presidente de Association Michelrocard.Org, Consejero Independiente Principal de Capgemini SE, Presidente de Lina 5 SAS, Presidente de Lina 6 SAS, Presidente de Lina 7 SAS, Presidente de Lina 8 SAS, Presidente de Pernod Ricard Asia SAS, Presidente de Pernod Ricard Central & South America SAS, Consejero Independiente Principal de Capgemini Italia SpA y Director de Havana Club Know-How SARL. Forma parte del Consejo de Administración de La Franaise des Jeux SA, Vallourec SA, Capgemini Service SAS, Pernod SA, Capgemini SE, Absolut Co. AB, Avril Sci, Compagnie Financire des Produits Orangina SA, Comrie Ltd., G.H. Mumm & Cie, Havana Club Holding SA, Havana Club International SA, Irish Distillers Group Ltd., Martell & Co. SA, Pernod Ricard Pacific Holding Pty Ltd., Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd., Ricard SA, Sandeman Sons & Co. Ltd., Suntory Allied Ltd. y Capgemini Italia SpA. Anteriormente, el Sr. Pringuet fue Presidente de The Scotch Whisky Association, Presidente de Pernod Ricard Finance SA, Presidente de Association Franaise des Entreprises Prives, Director no ejecutivo independiente de Iliad, Director General de Socit pour l'Exportation de Grandes Marques, Presidente de AgroParisTech, Presidente de Asociacin de Ingenieros de Minas, Metalurgistas y Gelogos de, y Presidente de Pernod Ricard North America SASU. También fue miembro del consejo de administración de Avril Gestion SAS, PERNOD RICARD EUROPE SA, Pernod Ricard SA y Champagne Perrier-Jout. Se licenció en la Escuela Politécnica y en la Escuela Nacional Superior de Minas de París.

Pierre Fabre
Pierre Fabre

Pierre Fabre worked as a Corporate Officer at La Compagnie 1818 Gestion SA and as a Principal at Groupe la Dépêche du Midi SA.

Foto Pierre Boivin
Pierre Boivin

Pierre Boivin es un empresario que fundó Weider Sporting Goods, Inc. y la Montreal Canadiens Children's Foundation y que ha estado al frente de 18 empresas diferentes. En la actualidad, el Sr. Boivin ocupa el cargo de Presidente de Metro, Inc., Presidente de Groupe Solotech, Inc. y Presidente de Solotech, Inc. (filial de Groupe Solotech, Inc.), Presidente de Gestion Masson St-Pierre, Inc., Presidente de Barrie Molson Centre y Presidente y Director General de Claridge, Inc. El Sr. Boivin es también presidente de la Montreal Canadiens Children's Foundation y miembro de la Young Presidents' Organization, Inc. y del consejo de otras 7 empresas. Anteriormente ocupó el cargo de Presidente de Fromagerie Boivin, Inc., Presidente y Director General de Club de hockey Canadien, Inc., Presidente y Director General de LArena des Canadiens, Inc., Presidente y Director General de Weider Sporting Goods, Inc, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Evenko, Inc., Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Norvinca, Inc., Presidente de la Campaña de la Fundación UHC en el Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, Presidente de Kangaroo Media, Inc., Presidente de Special Olympics Qubec, Consejero Delegado de Bauer Hockey, Inc., Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Canstar Sports, Inc. y Director de Order of Canada. Se licenció en la Universidad McGill.

Foto Pierre Klotz
Pierre Klotz

Pierre Klotz es miembro del consejo de administración de Vodacom Group Ltd. y TPG Telecom Ltd. y Director Financiero de Vodafone Group Plc. Obtuvo un MBA en la Handelshgskolan i Gteborg.

Foto Pierre Lamond
Pierre Lamond

Pierre R.
is currently a Director at Flex Logix Technologies, Inc., Light Labs, Inc., Cerebras Systems, Inc., Oxide Computer Co., Kindred Ai, and Partner Emeritus at Eclipse Ventures LLC.
He previously held Director positions at Open-Silicon, Inc., Xoom Corp., Cast Iron Systems, Inc., Mellanox Technologies, Inc., Oorja Corp., Seeo, Inc., Cogenra Solar, Inc., Santur Corp., SeaMicro, Inc., Skybox Imaging, Inc., Touchstone Semiconductor, Inc., and HeartVista, Inc. He was also Chairman at Cypress Semiconductor Corp., Microsemi Communications, Inc., Redback Networks, Inc., Verisity Ltd., Plumtree Software, Inc., Luxim Corp., Vitesse Semiconductor, Inc., Integration Associates, Inc., Avogy, Inc., one (United States), and two (United States).
He worked as Vice President & GM-Integrated Circuits at National Semiconductor Corp.
from 1966 to 1981.
He was a Partner at Sequoia Capital from 1981 to 2008, Principal at Khosla Ventures LLC from 2009 to 2014, and Senior Advisor at Formation8 Partners LLC from 2014 to 2015.
He graduated from Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

Foto Pierre Levi
Pierre Levi

Pierre Levi is currently an Independent Director at Global Bioenergies SA, a Director at B Cell Design SAS, a Director at Rispa, and a Co-Manager at Metman Capital SARL.
Previously, he held positions such as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Forvia SE, Chief Executive Officer at Compagnie des Salins du Midi et des Salines de l'Est SASU, Deputy Chairman at Solvay France SA, and Deputy Chairman at Rhone-Poulenc SA. He also served as a Director at Ayming SAS, Kowee SA, and Vegetal SAS.
Mr. Levi received his undergraduate degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris and his MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Foto Claude Pierre Ehlinger
Claude Pierre Ehlinger

Claude Pierre Ehlinger is currently the Chairman at Stahl Lux 2 SA and Banque Centrale de Compensation SA. He is also a Director at Bureau Veritas SA, Stahl Group SA, BUREAU VERITAS SA, Zweigniederlassung Hamburg, and a Member-Supervisory Board at Bureau Veritas France SAS.
Additionally, he serves as a Senior Advisor at Wendel London Ltd.
and is a Member-Supervisory Board at Tarkett SA. In the past, Mr. Ehlinger held positions such as Chairman at Oranje-Nassau Participaties BV, Finance Director at Capgemini SE, and Finance Director at Eutelsat Communications SA. He was also a Managing Director at Finacor and a Director at Raizen Centro-Sulsa SA, Sugar Holdings BV, Green Eagle Plantations Pte Ltd., Expansion 17 SA SICAR, Global Performance 17 SA SICAR, Winvest Conseil SA, and Louis Dreyfus Company Holdings BV.
Furthermore, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at CCMX SA and Louis Dreyfus Co. BV, and as the Chief Executive & Financial Officer at Louis Dreyfus Co. BV.
He also worked as a Principal at Thomson Reuters France.
Mr. Ehlinger completed his undergraduate degree at École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris.

Foto Jean-Claude Brdenk
Jean-Claude Brdenk

Jean-Claude Pierre Brdenk ocupa el cargo de Presidente de la Clinique Du Parc De Belleville y Director de Operaciones de Orpea SA. También forma parte del consejo de Orpea Ibrica SA, Orpea Polska Sp zoo, Les Charmilles y Clinique Regina. En el pasado, el Sr. Brdenk ocupó el cargo de presidente y director general de Clinique l'Emeraude SA y codirector general de Clinea SAS.

Foto Pierre St. Laurent
Pierre St. Laurent

En la actualidad, Pierre St. Laurent es director de operaciones de servicio completo, vicepresidente ejecutivo de merchandising y de Quebec en Empire Co. Ltd. y Director de Operaciones y Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Sobeys, Inc. (filial de Empire Co. Ltd.). También forma parte del consejo de administración de la Fundación Charles-Bruneau. En su anterior carrera profesional fue vicepresidente senior, director general de operaciones minoristas y desarrollo empresarial en Sobeys (Qubec) Inc. El Sr. St. Laurent se licenció en la Universit du Qubec Montral.

Foto Hervé Pierre André Couturier
Hervé Pierre André Couturier

Hervé Pierre André Couturier is currently serving as a Director at InfoVista SAS.
He is also a Non-Executive Director at UNIT4 NV, Director at Kyriba Corp., Independent Director at Sabre Corp., Director at Sportradar AG, Independent Director at Burgundy Technology Acquisition Corp., Independent Director at Odigo SASU, and the Managing Partner and President of Kerney Partners.
In his former roles, Mr. Couturier served as a Non-Independent Director at SimCorp A, Independent Non-Executive Director at Aveva Group Ltd., Senior Vice President-Products at Business Objects SA, Executive Vice President at S1 Corp., Head-Research & EVP-Technology Group at SAP SE, Manager-Business Unit at IBM France SASU, and Executive Vice President-Research & Development at Amadeus IT Group SA. He also held the position of Chief Technology Officer & Executive VP at Amadeus SAS.
Mr. Couturier completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at École Centrale Paris.

Foto Denis Pierre Marie Duverne
Denis Pierre Marie Duverne

Denis Pierre Marie Duverne es un empresario francés que ha estado al frente de 7 empresas diferentes. En la actualidad, el Dr. Duverne es Presidente del Foro de Desarrollo del Seguro y Presidente de AXA SA, Presidente de AXA Millsimes SAS (filial de AXA SA). En su anterior carrera profesional fue Presidente y Director General de Equitable Holdings, Inc. Presidente y Director General de AXA America Holdings, Inc. y Presidente de AXA Financial, Inc. (ambas filiales de Equitable Holdings, Inc.), Secretario de la Compagnie Financire Ibi, Presidente de AXA Holdings Belgium SA, Director Financiero de FINAXA SA y Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de Banque Colbert. Se licenció en la Ecole Nationale d'Administration y en la cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de París.

Marc Pierre Marie Bidou
Marc Pierre Marie Bidou

Fundador de Bilendi SA y BADTech SAS, Marc Pierre Marie Bidou es un empresario que ha estado al frente de 10 empresas diferentes y que actualmente ocupa el cargo de Presidente de M3 Research AB, Presidente y Director General de Bilendi SA, Presidente de BADTech SAS, Presidente de Bilendi Ltd., Presidente de M3 Research, Director General de iVOX BVBA y Consejero Delegado de Panelbiz GmbH (todas ellas filiales de Bilendi SA), Presidente de Fabuleos SAS, Consejero Delegado de Bilendi GmbH y Presidente de M3 Research Oy. El Sr. Bidou también forma parte del consejo de administración de EffiCity SAS, Worldwide Loyalty Systems SA y Bilendi Services Ltd. y es gerente de Dateos SARL. En su anterior carrera, Marc Pierre Marie Bidou ocupó el cargo de Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios en The Walt Disney Co. y Director de Desarrollo de Negocios para Disney Interactive Studios, Inc. (una filial de The Walt Disney Co.). El Sr. Bidou es licenciado por la Universidad Paris Dauphine, licenciado por la Universidad de Lieja, licenciado por la Escuela de Altos Estudios Comerciales de París y licenciado por Sciences Po.

Foto Frédéric Jean Pierre Gardès
Frédéric Jean Pierre Gardès

Frdric Gards es Presidente y Director General de Colas SA. Se licenció en la cole Centrale de París y en el Royal Institute of Technology.

Foto Jean Pierre Lessa e Santos Ferreira
Jean Pierre Lessa e Santos Ferreira

Actualmente, Jean Pierre Lessa e Santos Ferreira ocupa el cargo de codirector de operaciones de B2W Companhia Digital.

Foto Sandra Breber
Sandra Breber

Sandra Breber is the founder of Ziploop, Inc. which was founded in 2013.
She held the titles of President, Chief Executive & Financial Officer from 2013 to 2018.
Currently, she is the Chief Operating Officer at Augmedix Operating Corp.
and Augmedix, Inc. She was a Partner at Arthur Andersen LLP from 1991 to 2002 and was the Chief Operating Officer at Malo Holdings Corp.
She received her undergraduate degree from McGill University.

Foto Pierre Pincemaille
Pierre Pincemaille

Mr. Pierre Pincemaille is a Portfolio Manager at DNCA Finance SA. He joined the firm in June 2016.
Mr. Pincemaille started his career in 1998 at Indosuez Private Banking as a European equities portfolio manager, with a particular focus on energy and chemicals stocks.
He joined IXIS Asset Management in 2002 and took on responsibility for European equities funds managed on behalf of CNP, and also became a member of the investment committee.
He moved to BNP Paribas Asset Management in 2007 and then he was the head of financial analysis for the energy sector.
He holds a postgraduate degree in Economics and a Master in Finance from Paris II Panthe´on Assas University.

Foto Pierre Seccareccia
Pierre Seccareccia

Pierre Seccareccia is currently the Chairman of The Father's House, Chairman of Father Ménard Foundation, Director of Endoceutics, Inc., Independent Director of Norda Stelo, Inc., Director of ARX Capital, Inc., Director of Trudeau Corporation 1889, Inc., Director of Langevin & Forest, Inc., Director of Fondation de la Famille Lemaire, Director of Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà, Member of The National Association of Corporate Directors (Connecticut), and Member of Institute of Corporate Directors.
He was previously an Independent Director of Boralex, Inc., Director of Groupe Laperriere & Verreault, Inc., Director of Ivanhoé Cambridge, Inc., Director of New Millennium Iron Corp., Director of Medicago, Inc., Director of GENIVAR Income Fund, Managing Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Canada), Director of Ovivo, Inc., Director of 9248-2322 Quebec, Inc., Independent Non-Executive Nominee Director of WSP Global, Inc., and Director of Fondation Québécoise du Cancer.
He is also an Independent Director of Bitfarms Ltd.
(Canada) from 2019 to 2023.
He was a Partner of Coopers & Lybrand International from 1976 to 1998.
He is a Member of Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec since 1970.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from HEC Montréal in 1969.

Foto Pierre Béliveau
Pierre Béliveau

Pierre Béliveau was appointed Corporate Controller in 2001, after having spent 10 years in progressive financial preparation positions at the Company’s head office.
Mr. Béliveau was seconded to Rosebel Gold Mines N.V.
from April 2003 to July 2004 to establish the financial control group.
He is responsible for corporate financial reporting and information technology activities.
Mr. Béliveau earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and is a member of the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec (order of chartered accountants

Foto Pierre Louette
Pierre Louette

Pierre Louette was the founder of Connectworld, a company founded in 1996 where he held the title of Chief Executive Officer from 1996 to 2000.
He is currently the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Mezzo SA, Groupe les Echos SA, Les Echos SAS, Radio Classique SAS, Media Presse SAS, Les Echos Le Parisien Medias SAS, Le Parisien Libéré SAS, Les Echos Management SAS, Les Echos Solutions SAS, and Team Media SAS.
He is also a Director of Fédération Française des Télécoms, Le Jardin d’Acclimatation SA, Réunion des Musées Nationaux Grand Palais, and Rocket Internet Growth Opportunities Corp.
He is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Rocket Internet and a Member of Conseil National du Numérique.
He is a Principal at Orange Fab and the Chief Operating Officer of Augesco Ventures SAS.
Previously, he held positions at Orange SA, Iris Capital Partners SAS, Agence France-Presse SA, LVMH Group, Orange Group Plc, Proximy SASU, France Télévisions SA, Dailymotion SA, Orange Espagne SA, Deezer SA, Buyin SA, Orange Middle-East & Africa SA, Orange Polska SA, France Telecommunications, Rocket Internet SE, Orange Digital Ventures, and LVMH Services GIE.
He has a graduate degree from Institut d'Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence and Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Foto Pierre Marcoux
Pierre Marcoux

Pierre Marcoux is the founder of Contex Group, Inc. founded in 2019, where he is currently the President.
He is currently a Non-Independent Director at Transcontinental, Inc. since 2005, and a Director at Le Boulot Vers, On The Tip of The Toes Foundation, Publications Senior, Inc., Vividata, Inc. since 2014, President at Cheneliére Éducation Inc. and Les Éditions Caractère, Inc., and Governor at Sherbrooke University Business Research Foundation.
He was also a Director at CEDROM-SNi, Inc. from 2014 to 2017, and held Director positions at Neptune Wellness Solutions, Inc., Lumenpulse, Inc., Alliance for Audited Media, and PMB Print Measurement Bureau.
Mr. Marcoux was also the Senior Vice President-Finance & Technology at National Bank of Canada.
He has an undergraduate degree from the University of Sherbrooke and a graduate degree from Northwestern University.

Foto Pierre J. Schuurmans
Pierre J. Schuurmans

Pierre J.
is the founder of Borderfree Ltd.
(1999) and Borderfree Canada, Inc. (1999).
He was the Chief Financial Officer of Astro Aerospace Ltd.
(1994-1996), Vice President of Solarex (1997-1999), and Chief Financial Officer of NevCorp Sdn.
Currently, he is the Chief Operating Officer & Partner at Birch Hill Equity Partners Management, Inc. (since 2005).
Mr. Schuurmans holds an MBA from Stanford University (1992), an undergraduate degree from the University of Western Ontario (1987), and an undergraduate degree from Richard Ivey School of Business.

Foto Pierre Attali
Pierre Attali

Pierre Attali is currently the Director at QuantifiCare SA since 2010 and an Independent Non-Executive Director at ORPHELIA Pharma SAS since 2018.
Previously, he worked as the Chief Executive Officer at Urogene SA and Anceris SA from 2009 to 2012.
He also worked as the Medical Director at Sensorion SA and as the Principal at Synthélabo SA. Additionally, he served as the Chief Operating Officer at Valerio Therapeutics SA in 2012.

Foto Pierre Lefèvre
Pierre Lefèvre

Pierre P.
is currently a Non-Executive Director at Advantage Insurance Co. Ltd., an Independent Non-Executive Director at Hastings Group Holdings Ltd., and a Member-Supervisory Board at VIVAT Schadeverzekeringen NV.
Previously, he served as the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Groupama UK Services Ltd.
from 2002 to 2012.
He also held positions as the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at AXA Insurance Co. from 1994 to 1997, Chairman at AXA Netherlands BV, Independent Director at Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA, Non-Executive Director at Hastings Group Ltd.
(Jersey), Independent Non-Executive Director at Anbang Belgium Holding NV, Independent Director at Fidea NV, Member-Supervisory Board at OTP Bank Nyrt, General Manager at AXA Belgium SA, Principal at Unilever UK Ltd., and Member-Supervisory Board at Athora Netherlands NV.
Mr. Lefèvre obtained his undergraduate degree from Université Catholique de Louvain in 1980.

Foto Pierre I. Malko
Pierre I. Malko

Pierre I.
is the founder of Dante Consulting, Inc., a company founded in 1998.
He currently holds the title of President & Chief Executive Officer at Dante Consulting, Inc. Mr. Malko also has former job experience, including positions at Bell Atlantic Corp., Sprint Corp.
(Old), and MCI, Inc. At Bell Atlantic Corp., he held the position of Director-Order Processing Systems.
At Sprint Corp.
(Old) and MCI, Inc., he held the position of Principal.
Mr. Malko's education history includes an undergraduate degree from The University of Texas at Austin.

Foto Pierre Nadelar
Pierre Nadelar

Pierre Nadelar is currently working as the Director of Investor Relations & Communications at Opdenergy Holding SA. Previously, he worked in Sales & Marketing at Exane SA (Spain).
Mr. Nadelar completed his undergraduate studies at Northeastern University and Nebrija University.

Foto Pierre Stiennon
Pierre Stiennon

Mr. Pierre Stiennon is a Senior Analyst at AXA Investment Managers (Paris) SA. He focuses on the links between socially responsible investment (SRI) themes (environment, social, governance) and specific stocks or group of stocks that are relevant to the AXA IM general funds and the SRI-dedicated ones.
He joined AXA from HSBC London where he was Global Head of Utilities Research since 2004.
He was formerly No.
1-rated Utilities Analyst according to Reuters / Institutional Investor.
He started his career in 1988 as an Adviser in Suez-Tractebel’ corporate and project finance department, later moving on to Goldman Sachs, Salomon Brothers and JP Morgan.
Mr. Stiennon holds a Law degree and MBA in Finance.

Foto Pierre Jérôme
Pierre Jérôme

Pierre Jérôme is the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SpineGuard SA, a company he founded in 2009.
He also held the position of Chief Executive Officer at Spine Guard, Inc. and served as the Marketing Director at Sofamor Danek Group, Inc. Mr. Jérôme was a Principal at Boston Scientific Corp.
in 2005 and later became the Vice President-Sales & Marketing at SpineVision SA in 2009.
Additionally, he is the President of PGA SAS.
Mr. Jérôme graduated from Institut Des Etudes Economiques Et Commerciales.

Foto Pierre A. Clouâtre
Pierre A. Clouâtre

Pierre A.
is currently working as a Principal at SonerTec Corp.

Foto Pierre Béglé
Pierre Béglé

Pierre Béglé is Vice President of Sales for Tatis SA Since 2005.
Prior to joining TATIS, he was responsible for business development of IT solutions to stakeholders in world trade.Before that he was engaged in the development of an IT framework for cargo inspection services covering the former Soviet Union.At the beginning of his career, Pierre worked in privately provided government trade service programmes and in the business development of minerals services worldwide.He has held executive positions in sales, IT, regional management, operations and general management, and has worked and lived in Latin America, Africa, Asia the former Soviet Union and Europe.Pierre holds an MSc in Geology-Minerology from the University of Lausanne He received an MS from the University of Lausanne.

Foto Pierre Gallix
Pierre Gallix

Pierre Gallix joined IK Partners in 2014 and is a Managing Partner, responsible for the IK Development Capital Funds and part of the Investment team for the Development Capital strategy in Paris.
Since joining, Pierre has been part of the Firm’s Small Cap Investment team and he has worked on several notable transactions within the Industrials sector.
Prior to joining IK, Pierre worked as a Partner in the Small Cap segment of L.E.K.
Consulting for 20 years before moving onto LBO France Hexagone and then Ergon Capital Advisors where he held Investor roles.
Pierre holds an MBA from The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
Outside of work, Pierre enjoys running, modern art and politics.

Foto Pierre Massabki
Pierre Massabki

Mr. Massabki joined LC Capital in June 2004 as Secretary General.
Previously, he was Financial Controller for Viventures Partners, Vivendi-Universal venture capital arm.
Massabki has been working in the venture capital industry for the last 4 years.
Mr. Massabki began his career in 1997 as Financial Controller for Systra, in Egypt, a leading French Consulting firm for Public Engineering.
Upon his return to France in 1999, he held the position of Financial Controller for Canalweb, a Streaming Operator based in Paris and then for Chateauonline, an online wine merchant also based in Paris.
Mr. Massabki graduated from the Dauphine University in Paris and is a member of the French Financial Analysts Society (SFAF).

Foto Pierre Jacquard
Pierre Jacquard

Pierre Jacquard has worked as a Director at Pebercan, Inc. since 2006.

Foto Pierre Laferrière
Pierre Laferrière

Pierre Laferrière is a Director of ITF Optical Technologies, Inc. and GEOCOMtms, Inc. He is Founding Chairman of Montreal.
He was President for Trade of Metropolitan Montreal from 1999 to 2000.
He was Senior Vice President of Knowledge Networks for Telesystems Ltd.
in 2002.
He was President and Chief Operating Officer of Teleglobe Enterprises, Teleglobe Marine and Teleglobe Cable Systems.
He was President and Chief Executive Officer of SECOR, Inc.

Foto Pierre Verluca
Pierre Verluca

Mr. Pierre Verluca is Independent Director at Esso.
He is on the Board of Directors at Esso.
Mr. Verluca was previously employed as Chairman-Management Board by Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes SA. He received his undergraduate degree from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.

Foto Pierre Bossaert
Pierre Bossaert

Pierre Bossaert is Vice President of Financial Planning for, Inc. Prior to joining AdviceAmerica, he worked at Charles Schwab’s Investment Advice Enterprise.
Previously, Mr. Bossaert held various positions at Citibank NA and American Express Financial Advisors.
He has 22 years of experience in financial services and product development.
Mr. Bossaert received a BS degree from Santa Clara University and a MS degree in Personal Financial Planning from the College for Financial Planning.

Foto Pierre Castel
Pierre Castel

Pierre Castel has worked as a Portfolio Manager at Crédit Mutuel Asset Management SA since 2005.

Foto Pierre Chapgier
Pierre Chapgier

Pierre Chapgier currently works as an advisor at PhilQuo Ventures LLC.

Foto Pierre Cartier
Pierre Cartier

Pierre Cartier is currently the Chairman at Cartier Saâda SA. He is also a Director at Zoubairi Distribution and a Manager at Agri Olives SARL.
Mr. Cartier completed his undergraduate degree at Ecole d'Agriculture de Ressins in 1957 and at Ecole Nationale d'Elevage Ovin de Rambouillet in 1958.

Foto Pierre Hériaud
Pierre Hériaud

Pierre Hériaud worked as a Director at CNP Assurances SA. He obtained an undergraduate degree from Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers.

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